what we do

Seaford Programs

Gymnastics programs at Seaford

YMCA Gymnastics is an affiliated Gymnastics South Australia program with high standards of quality and safety, and a professional attitude. Our program is supported by a team of coaches who are passionate about gymnastics, seeing each and every child learn and develop. Learn more about the programs we offer across our locations or enrol now.

Is the class you’re looking for full? Submit a request to be notified when there is a vacancy.

Enrol your child now

Build skills for life, our program is supported by a team of coaches who are passionate about gymnastics, seeing each and every child learn and develop. learn Enrol your child into gymnastics at the Y.

PROGRAM AGE RANGE Ratio Duration Price per class* Special conditions Class availability
KinderGym 1 - 5 - 60 mins $15.25 Parent involvement View timetable
Mini gym 4 - 5 1:8 60 mins $19.50 - View timetable
Recreational gymnastics 1 -3 5+ 1:10 60 mins $19.50 Prerequisite required for stage 3 View timetable
Recreational gymnastics 4 -5 5+ 1:8 90 mins $21.50 Prerequisite required View timetable
Action gym 5+ 1:8 60 mins $19.50 - View timetable
Team gym fun 5+ 1:10 60 mins $19.50 - View timetable
Team gym novice 5+ 1:12 60 mins $21.50 Invite only View timetable
Team gym competitive 5+ - 90 mins On enquiry Invite only View timetable


*Prices include GymSA fee.


Get Started Now

  1. Find a suitable class
  2. Check class availability, live availability links are included in the table
  3. Enrol online. For detailed instructions expand the ‘how to’ below for step by step instructions – remember to create the parent account first then add your child


Is the class you’re looking for full? Submit a request to be notified when there is a vacancy.

Follow the below steps to enrol.

  1. Find your class (use the information and links to the live timetable showing vacancies on this page). When ready, click the ‘Start Enrolment’ (new window opens) and click “Enrol Now”.
  2. You’ll be prompted to create a parent/guardian account (this will become the ‘Family Account’ in which the child’s accounts sits under).
  3. Once completed you will be taken to the Customer Portal. Click the ‘Add child to family account’ button to add the child’s you are looking to enrol (repeat as required). When creating the children account, simply skip the email field, and enter a six digit password (you wont need to remember your child’s password as going forward you only log into the parent account).
  4. Once the children accounts are created, from within the Customer Portal click the Enrol menu icon (top of screen on desktops, bottom left on mobile). You must then select the “Gymnastics Programs” sub-heading to see all available programs/classes.
  5. Find the Class and day/time and click the ‘Enrol Now’ button on the right. Then select which child you wish to enrol.
  6. The next screen confirms the per class cost and associated additional fees (ie. gymnastic SA registration fees). Simply click next.
  7. The summary screen shows you a summary of your enrolment. Please ignore the Payment Interval row (payments are fortnightly, not weekly as this indicates). Review the linked T&C’s and check the box for agreement, then click next.
  8. Follow the prompts to enter either bank account or credit card details.
  9. A confirmation screen appears with a summary of enrolment. A copy of the agreement form and terms will also be provided in an enrolment confirmation email.